How to setup a trade representative office in Qatar? | Free Consultation
We can help setup a Trade representative office in Qatar without any hassles.
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How to setup a trade representative office in Qatar?

Are you looking to setup a trade representative office in Qatar to have a local presence in Qatar? Our team of expert consultants at TrustLink can assist you get Ministry approval and register a 100 percent foreign owned representative office in Qatar. Email us at or call us at +974 44335100 for a free consultation.


What is a trade representative office ?

The trade representative office is a “shop-window” to promote foreign products without any rights to import, export or sell products in Qatar. This gives the foreign company a local presence to approach potential Qatari clients, brokers or buyers and promote their products which are manufactured in their home country. This in no way allows them to trade locally in Qatar and contact the end customers directly. The trade representative office does not allow you to promote products that are not manufactured by your company and requires the Manufacturing license of the mother company to be presented for Ministry approval.

The trade representative office does not have a share capital requirement to setup and can have 100 percent foreign ownership in Qatar without the need for a local partner in Qatar to be the 51% of the company.

If you are thinking about setting up a trade representative office in Qatar, contact us for a free consultation.


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