Qatar Free Zone Company Registration - TrustLink
Qatar Free Zone Company Registration
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Free Zone Company Registration in Qatar

Do you want to setup a company in the Qatar Free Zones? At TrustLink, we have a professional team of experts who can assist you in choosing the best option for you to register your company in Qatar. Call us at +974 44335100 or email us at for a free consultation.


Being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Qatar offers state-of-the-art malls, modern hotels, amazing stadiums, buildings and other world-class infrastructure, which makes it an ideal spot for starting a business.

There are different ways to setup a business in Qatar including Mainland, Free Zones, Economic Zones etc. which offers amazing opportunities to foreign investors in Qatar.


There are mainly 3 regulatory authorities providing free zones and economic zones in Qatar:

  1. Qatar Free Zone Authority (QFZA)

    QFZA offers world-class Free Zones in Qatar which offers state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for foreign investors planning to invest in sectors which contribute to the development of the Qatar’s economy. There are 2 free zones currently under QFZA

  • Ras Bufontas – Airport Free Zone
    Situated 6km away from the world-renowned Hamad International Airport, it is mostly suited for industries requiring reliable air transportation services.
    Suitable Industries: Logistics, Consumer Products, Light Manufacturing, Technology and Applications, Services, Pharmaceuticals.
    Address: G-Ring Road
    Area: 3.96 km^2
  • Umm Alhoul – Port Free Zone
    With a 34km2 area, this free zone is mostly suited for industries requiring sea freight imports and exports.
    Suitable Industries: Maritime Industries, Heavy Manufacturing, Industrial Sectors, Emerging Technologies, Logistics Hub
    Address: Mesaieed-Doha Highway
    Area: 34 km^2
  1. Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP)

    This free Zone is located inside Qatar Foundation and mostly accepts Scientific, Innovative, research and Technology companies.


  • 100% foreign company ownership
  • 100% corporate income tax exemption
  • 100% personal income tax exemption
  • 100% import and export duties tax exemption
  • 100% repatriation of capital and profits
  • No foreign currency restrictions
  • Swift Company formation
  1. Qatar Financial Center (QFC)

    QFC was initially established to attract International financial services institutions and other multi-national corporations to Qatar and to promote businesses in the Financial Sector. Please check the below article for more details about company registration in QFC.

At TrustLink, we have a professional team of Consultants who can assist you in figuring out the best option to establish your business in Qatar and provide the end to end services for the same be it in the Mainland, Free Zones etc.

Process of Establishing a Business in Qatar Free Zone

To establish a company in the free business zone in Qatar, one needs to go through a thorough process, as mentioned below. TrustLink makes sure that you do not have to waste time in these documentation process and can fully concentrate on your core business.

  • Step 1: Preparing the Business care for commercial registration in Qatar free zone, and getting the name approval for Free Zone Company
  • Step 2: After the Business case for commercial registration is prepared and the name reservation is done, the articles of association is drafted.
  • Step 3:The articles of association is then signed by all the partners and the commercial registration is issued and company stamp is prepared.
  • Step 4: Next, you have to procure the necessary licenses from the respective government departments to start your business in Qatar free zone
  • Step 5: Tax registration is a must to set up a business in Qatar, and you need to arrange the same from the Public Revenue and Tax Authority of Qatar
  • Step 6: The final step would be to open a bank account in Qatar

For a free consultation,


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